Health Science

Taking care of people and helping them to be healthier is one of the most vital things a person can do. There are many career paths in the healthcare industry devoted to providing care, from treating and diagnosing illness and injury to advising on healthier diet choices and many more. These careers are valued, respected, and rewarding, often offering high salaries and many opportunities.

If you're interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare industry, Lincoln University's Health Science program provides a foundation and base of knowledge that you'll be able to build on as you pursue the health field that's most interesting and exciting to you. As one of the top HBCUs offering Health Science majors—a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree—we will provide you with the knowledge, critical thinking, and skill set to start down the path for a health care career, and prepare you for graduate study in the health field of your choice.

Overseen by the Health Science Department, our preparatory program is overseen by a dedicated and passionate faculty who will work closely with you to ensure you're taking the right courses and learning the right skills to lay the groundwork for your success in your future studies and careers. They'll also assist you in the process of applying to graduate schools, working with you to find the right program for your career goals.

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Program Outcomes

After completing this program and earning your Health Science degree, you will have developed the following skills and practices:

  • You will be able to describe the five body systems (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive) and explain their function.
  • You will demonstrate personal, professional, and ethical competency.
  • You will be able to assess health status (nutritional, fitness, etc.).
  • You will plan and implement health programs and health program interventions.
  • You will collaborate with all constituents to assess, plan, implement and evaluate program strategies.
  • You will communicate (in verbal and written form) health programs goals, rationales, interventions, and results.
  • You will evaluate the effectiveness of health programs, interventions, leaders/trainers, and instructional/leadership methods.
  • You will analyze, evaluate, and solve first aid problems.
  • You will identify and explain the legal/ethical basis for health services.
  • You will apply the scientific method to identify a health problem; collect, analyze, interpret data; and derive conclusions.

Courses and Requirements

Please see the University Catalog for more information on program requirements and detailed course descriptions.

To declare Health Science as your major, you must pass HPR 101 with a grade of C or better.

Contact Us!

Have questions about the Health Science program at Lincoln? Let us know and we'll do our best to answer them.

Dr. Angelia Nelson
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Health Science
Phone: 484-365-7390
Ivory V. Nelson Science Center Room 331

Fran Cooper
Department Assistant, Department of Health Science
Phone: 484-365-7385
Ivory V. Nelson Science Center Room 323